Design and creativity can feel like the stuff of magic. Persuasion, fanatical brand loyalty, and "intuitive" interfaces feel like wizardry. So how does design work? What are the connections between research and creation? What knowledge, thinking, and skills are needed to create products people love or services that feel like a thoughtful friend? Designing has to be about more than color swatches and button sizes if we hope to design systems that empower communities and invite collaboration for a brighter future.

The Design Workbench Podcast demystifies concepts in design research, thinking, and making for experience design.

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Profile image of Dennis Cheatham

Podcast Host

Dennis Cheatham is a design researcher and experience designer and teaches courses in Communication Design and Experience Design at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. Before becoming a professor, he practiced design professionally for 15 years in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. More >

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