When it comes to improving design skills, there are a ton of tips out there. Here are some of our favorites.

3 ways to improve your visual design skills

Jules Cheung’s quick tips for visual design newbies at UX Collective should not be missed. No matter if you are a trained pro or just starting in visual design, her 3 ways to improve your visual design skills are design gold.

Ten Principles for Good Design

A great story about Dieter Rams’s “ten commandments” of design from Vitsoe. Notice how his statement weaves aesthetic in with usability. The content still rings true:

  • Good design is innovative
  • Good design makes a product useful
  • Good design is aesthetic
  • Good design makes a product understandable
  • Good design is unobtrusive
  • Good design is honest
  • Good design is long-lasting
  • Good design is thorough down to the last detail
  • Good design is environmentally-friendly
  • Good design is as little design as possible

Check out the full story at Vitsoe.

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Dennis Cheatham

Associate Professor, Communication Design

Miami University

Updated: December 9, 2021 4:56 pm
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