Few design endeavors succeed without the support of many and Design Workbench is no different. If you’re wondering what a colophon is, check out colophon at Wikipedia.
The display serif typeface used for this site is Sagona, designed by René Bieder. Libre Franklin, by Impallari Type, is the sans serif typeface.
All photographs and images were created by site authors or are royalty-free or generative AI images credited to their creators.
Design and Development
Dennis Cheatham designed, developed, and lovingly coded Design Workbench. Typography for reading has been set at a contrast level and size to assist in reading long articles.
Interaction and Whiz-Bang
This site comprises a heap of scripts, plugins, and code developed by many different programmers and designers. If you have a question about how I did something, please ask.
Thanks to these amazing folx who provided answers at StackExchange, which saved my bacon.
- How to post to WordPress custom post type from ifttt.com by Bibhas
- Add span in top menu item with nested items by Stephen Harris
- Unable to link categories to custom post type using standard function by Privateer
- How to exclude specified from all list of Multisite by Pat J
Content Management System
WordPress proudly powers Design Workbench.
DreamHost has hosted Design Workbench from the very start.